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Home » Lubrication in Screw Compressors with Oil Injection

Lubrication in Screw Compressors with Oil Injection

Screw compressors are the most commonly used in medium- and high-capacity industrial refrigeration applications, thanks to their high efficiency. Specifically, screw compressors with oil injection provide a nearly isothermal compression process, as the heat generated during compression is absorbed by the oil rather than remaining in the refrigerant.

Since the oil circulates through other parts of the system, screw compressors require appropriate strategies to manage the lubricant. Below are the main components of a lubrication system used with these compressors:

1. Oil Separator

In the separator, oil particles undergo changes in direction and velocity, allowing them to separate from the refrigerant:

  • Large particles: They detach from the refrigerant and settle at the bottom of the separator.
  • Small particles: These impact the internal fibers of the separator filter, where they coalesce into larger droplets that can be easily collected.

2. Oil Pump

The hot oil exiting the separator passes through a filter before reaching the oil pump.

  • The pump drives the oil to a heat exchanger, where it dissipates accumulated heat and returns to an appropriate temperature to continue its cycle.

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